Yukon Housing Centre
Vancouver, British Columbia
We offer 71 shelter beds and 37 transitional housing units located at 2088 Yukon Street. Donations are a simple way to have direct impact in the life of someone who is homeless.

Drop off Locations:
- Yukon Housing Centre, 2088 Yukon St, Vancouver , Wrapping instructions: Please include the name, ID# (Assigned ID), a description of the gift, the size of the gift, and name of the shelter. Phone: 604-264-1680
Stories32 |
Gifts64 |
Pledged Gifts59 of 64 |
James C ID: 006
James is 37 years old, he was born in Saskatoon, SK. James came to Vancouver exactly a year ago, he has been homeless for years and being in Vancouver it is warmer out on the streets when you are homeless. Over the years he has worked in different roles, he has worked doing various roles on a construction site. He has also worked in a animal shelter. The challenges he faces is not being able to cook his own food, he does not have much choices on what to eat on a daily basis. James has a number of medical issues and retreats to using medicinal marijuana to diminish the pain.
pants or jeans (size 32/ length 32)
electric bike (his desire is to track across canada)
Pledge This Gift
Darci D ID: 021
Darci is 44 years old, she was born in New Westminister. Darci lost her home from going through a separation with her husband. Over the years she has worked in different roles, she has worked in Daycare/ cleaning on construction sites. The challenges she faces at the shelter is having personal clashes with different individuals that stay there. She is happy when she is with honest people.
Perfume (sweet or citrus)
Long black boots (size 81/2)
Pledge This Gift
Melissa P ID: Melissap
Melissa is 33 years old, she was born in Quebec. Melissa moved to Vancouver in 2001, she was kicked out of housing because the landlord was making advances at her, and because she declined he kicked her and her husband out and threw out her belongings. Over the years she has worked in different roles, she has worked in restaurants as a server. The challenge about being in a shelter is the gossip that is always happening around there seems to be a few people that are positive just about life! She enjoys playing video games and going down the mountains with her snowboard (these items were stolen from her in the last place she lived)
Snowboarding season pass
Pledge This Gift -
Visa gift card
Doc L ID: 028
Doc is 69 years old, he was born in Vancouver. He was a part of illicit work with meth labs. He has been in jail previously and now he has come clean in his life. He desires to have a companion. He has some health challenges, from the work he use to do, he has three degree burns on his body.
Pledge This Gift -
Gift card
Clarence F ID: 031
Clarence is 50 years old, he was born in Lethbridge, AB. Clarence has been in Vancouver for the last month, he had a terrible domestic living situation and he endured it for the last 25 years. He feels very liberated that he FINALLY got out of the situation, and his spouse does not know he is in Vancouver. Clarence has worked as a florist and also a clerk in a grocery store. He is pretty happy with being in Vancouver, he just hopes to find housing soon.
Bus Tickets
Pledge This Gift
Rob B ID: 001
Rob is 49 years old, he was born in Oshawa Ontario. Rob came to Vancouver after his divorce from his wife 10 years ago. Over the years he has worked in different roles such as: construction, hospitality, pool player and volunteer work. The biggest challenge he faces is not having support in the shelter, but he is glad that he is a part of a church where there is support and building a relationship with God.
plates/glasses and cups
sheets (queen size)
Kevin C ID: 002
Kevin is 40 years old. He was born in Stephenville, Newfoundland. Kevin has been in Vancouver for the last 5 years, he originally came here on vacation, but then he ended up staying! Over the years he has worked in different roles on construction sites. The challenge he faces being in a shelter is that it is never permanent, you can't make it your home. He is glad though that he has been set up with a social worker to get some help.
Shaving Kit
Paul G ID: 003
Paul is 41 years old. He was born in Toronto, he wanted to have a change in his life so he came out west 15 months ago. Over the years he has worked in different roles, he has worked doing journalism and at times worked on various construction sites. The challenge he faces being in a shelter is not being able to have allot of clothes with you. He is encouraged to be close with his family and friends.
Jeans (size 36/Length 34)
anything else he would be grateful!
John H ID: 004
John is 38 years old. He was born in Yellowknife, NWT. John moved in December 3 years ago, his friend invited him to stay with him, but sadly that didn't last for long they had a fall out. As he has been in the shelter he desires even more to have his own place. The challenges he faces is the temptation to spend all his money when he gets his government paycheck and do foolish things with it!
'Dove' mens care shampoo and bodywash
footwear (size 8)
Alan W ID: 005
Alan is 62 years old. He was born in Windsor, Ontario. Alan moved with his wife and young child in the early 80's. Over the years he has worked in different roles, he has worked doing stand up comedy and as a disc Jockey. The biggest challenge is getting appointments for the different health challenges he faces.
underwear (medium)
Robert S ID: 007
Robert is 50 years old, he was born in Calgary, AB. Robert has been in Vancouver for the last 18 years. When he got out of jail, the parole officer sent him to Vancouver to help a disabled women. Over the years he has worked in different roles, he has worked as a High School tutor, counselor, volunteering in a prison. The challenges he faces is to find a home large enough to store his scooter. Robert is happy when he has a 'stress free day'!
Jeans (size 31/length 30)
Steel Toe workboots (size 8 or 8.5)
Mary H ID: 008
Mary is 47 years old, she was born in Prince Rupert, BC. For the last 21 years she has been in Vancouver. She no longer has a family so it seem the best thing to do was to move and start over. Over the years she has worked in different roles, she has worked in customer service and whole sales selling flowers. Mary has disability issues with her arm missing and her leg shakes from a previous Handy Dart accident, so she has her daily struggles.
Jogging suit (any colour-size medium)
Stephane P ID: 009
Stephane is 41 years old, he was born in Quebec. He has been in Vancouver for the last 18 years. Over the years he has worked as a dishwasher at various restaurants. Stephane desires to go back to school. What makes him happy is having money in his pocket.
underwear (large)
shoes (size 10)
Rikki J ID: 010
Rikki is 58 years old, she was born in Northern Alberta. Rikki has been in Vancouver for almost a year and a half. Over the years she has worked in different roles, she has worked as a emergency dispatcher, accountant, and likes doing volunteer work with youths. She enjoys spending time with her children.
Save-On gift card
New bedding
Terry H ID: 011
Terry is 54 years old, he was born in Montreal. Terry has been in Vancouver for the last 20 years. Over the years he has worked in different roles, he has worked in construction, and also was a counselor with youths in addiction. He enjoys working with people to help them overcome their addictions.
Warm footwear (size 8)
Jeans (size 34/ length 32)
Bethamy B ID: 012
Bethamy is 64 years old, she was born in Winnipeg, MB. Bethamy came to Vancouver in the 80's on vacation and ended up staying. Over the years she has worked in different roles, she has worked for 25 years in hospitality, 15 years in a casino, and 9 years on a cruise ship. In the last 3 years she was in 2 accidents and this has caused her to be on permanent disability. Her challenge would be her mobility, having a steady income and desiring permanent housing.
small coffee pot/maker
Gift card (for anywhere)
Ben M ID: 013
Ben is 35 years old, he was born in Victoria, BC. Ben moved to Vancouver in 2008 for medical reasons. Over the years he has worked in different roles, he has worked on various construction sites; coffee shops; hotel work; and most recently as a support worker. He desires to go back to school for nursing. Ben has suffered over the years with mental health issues.
Shaving Kit
Bus tickets
Heather M ID: 014
Heather is 44 years old, she was born in Vancouver. Over the years she has worked as a Health care assistant. The challenges she faces daily is hoping to find affordable housing. She is glad that she has Jesus in her life she would not have been able to manage without her faith in Him.
Underwear (small)
Clock Radio
Richard N ID: 015
Richard is 69 years old he was born in Tayber, AB. Richard moved to Vancouver in 2005 for health reasons-he had cancer. Over the years he has worked in different roles, he has worked as a Trucker; Fisherman; Engineer on boats. He faces the daily issues of security with his belongings in the shelter because you only have one locker to store your stuff.
gift card (for food)
Greg C ID: 016
Greg is 58 years old, he was born in Vancouver (Qualicum Beach). Sadly Greg has over the years struggled with lung disease so he hasn't worked for years. His daily struggles is making sure that he is staying healthy and remains in a clean environment.
Coat (large)
Bus tickets
Jatinder B ID: 017
Jatinder is 43 years old, she was born and raised in Vancouver. Jatinder went through a divorce and ended up in a shelter, she has two kids that are the ages 7 and 4, which is currently with her parents. Over the years she has worked as a make-up artist and in a bank. The biggest challenge being in a shelter is that there is not security for her possessions, she has lost a few times her personal belongings. What she enjoys is spending time with her two kids.
Bus Tickets
Flashlight with batteries
Bob F ID: 018
Bob is 42 years old, he was born in Hamilton, Ontario. Bob moved to Vancouver because he was trying to find better work. Eight years ago he worked on the housing in 'Olympic Village' which provided steady work for three years. Over the years she has worked in different roles, he has worked as a painter and pumber. Bob has a good disposition on life....nothing really bothers him!
Picture Frame (wood colour) (size 81/2 x 11)
Monthly Bus Pass
Kiel M ID: 019
Kiel is 31 years old, he was born in Prince Rupert, BC. Kiel moved to Vancouver with his family. He has been in various shelters for the last three years, this is his second day at Yukon House. Over the years he has worked in different roles, he has worked on construction sites doing roofing, rebar, and demolition. The biggest challenge is keeping steady employment and stable and safe housing (in shelters). He greatly enjoys spending time with his girlfriend and he is also an artist (in Native Art)
Shaving Kit
Bus tickets
Johanne F ID: 020
Johanne is 59 years old, she was born in Cornwall, Ontario. Johanne moved from Toronto to be close to her son and grandson who are age 23 and 7 years old. Over the years she has worked in different roles, she has worked driving a Taxi for 9 years, and also worked as a server in different restaurants. Right now, Johanne is disable from a disk removed in her back and she has been having difficult walking. She doesn't like staying in a shelter since you have to share 'everything' with strangers.
Jeans (size 42)
Sleeping Bag
Jaime R ID: 022
Jaime is 56 years old, he was born in Elsavador. Jaime has been in Vancouver for the last 6 months. Before the Yukon house he was staying in various men's hostels, but he now wants to save money so he resorted to come to the shelter. Over the years he has worked in different roles, he has worked on various construction sites, for two years he worked in the Artic! Right now he so much desires to find permanent work. Occasionally he speaks on skipe with his family back home-that makes him really happy!
Gloves (black-medium)
Bus tickets
Bruce B ID: 024
Bruce is 40 years old, he was born in Winnipeg. Bruce has been in Vancouver for the last year. Bruce lived in England for 14 years. He has been in the Yukon shelter for the last 2 months, the biggest challenge with that is not being able to cook! He use to love having people over and cooking for them, but sadly that is the biggest thing he misses, he so much wanted to find his own place to live! He suffers with anxiety and so much wants to overcome this, but currently he is on medication.
shoes (Brown or Beige) size 10 1/2
Fay L ID: 025
Fay is 47 years old, she was born in Montreal. Fay was living on Ontario before she moved here 3 years ago. Fay has been with her husband in the shelter for the last 4 1/2 weeks and 3 weeks at another shelter. Over the years she has worked in different roles, she has worked as a Nurse; Hairdresser; and she had own two different restaurants. She is proud of her two daughters are in University. The challenge about being in a shelter is not being able to sleep at night, there are so many people coming and going.
warm footwear (size 10)
Jeans (size 14/length 32)
Melissa T ID: 026
Melissa is 28 years old, she was born in Vancouver. She has been at the shelter because of the lack of work. It has been a tuff time trying to find 'safe' housing. Over the years she has worked in different roles, she has worked in Administration and Childcare. She struggles with health mental , but she is trying to stay positive.
Shoes (black size: 9)
Harlan C ID: 027
Harlan is 38 years old, he was born in Manitoba. Harlan has been in Vancouver for the last 3 months, he was told that jobs out here pay much more than in Manitoba, which he hasn't found that as true. He will be going back next month since there will be work for him. Over the years he has worked in different roles on construction sites: Diamond Driller; Dry walling, he has been doing this for 16 years. He has noticed being in the shelter that the clients are quite abusive to the staff there, and he doesn't like seeing that, he feels it is a privilege to be there.
Running Shoes (size 13)
Gift card (starbucks)
Douglas K ID: 029
Douglas is 62 years old, he was born in Lanagan, SK. Douglas came to Vancouver 7 years ago because he was offered a job. On the job he got in an accident, when he finally came out of the hospital there was no longer his job available. Over the years he has worked in different roles, he has worked as a power engineer on Boilers, anything electric.
Jeans (size 32/ length 32)
Shaving Kit
Wendy B ID: 030
Wendy is 53 years old she was born in Sue Saint Marie, Ontario. Wendy has been 2 months in the shelter, she had a disagreement with her husband and she left her home. She had worked previously as a traffic controller. The challenges she faces is that she often feels she is misinterpreted. What she wants most of all is her own place!
Hand Bag (black)
Bus Tickets
Nathan B ID: 032
Nathan is 24 years old, he was born in Kenora, Ont. Nathan has been in Vancouver for the last 10 years. Nathan ran away from his foster home in Ontario when he was just 14 years old, and he headed out west. For many years Nathan lived at the Covenent House. Recently he had a job cleaning removing espestice from buildings. Ideally he would like to work as a heavy equiptment operator. The troubles he faces is not having much storage space for his belongings. When he has free time, he enjoys playing video games.
Bus Tickets
Candies (Sweet and Sour)/Chocolates (milk chocolate)