Al Mitchell Place
Vancouver, British Columbia
We provide minimum barrier shelter beds and a range of services and support for individuals in need. Assists shelter users through assessing needs, crisis intervention, case planning, liaison/referral services, and advocacy.

Drop off Locations:
- Lookout Society, 429 Alexander St, Vancouver, BC , This location has fixed drop off times. Please drop off between the hours of 9:30-12:30 and 1:30-5:00, monday through friday. Use the other drop off location outside of these hours.
- Downtown Housing Centre, 346 Alexander St, Vancouver, BC , We
Stories16 |
Gifts32 |
Pledged Gifts27 of 32 |
Trina R ID: TrinaR
Trina is a native of Vancouver and is 42 years old. She has worked in productions and sales. Trina feels encouraged when she meets new people that can help each other. She enjoys watching movies. Trina has been feeling discouraged since no longer has a strong relationship with her family.
warm footwear size 7/12
Pants/jeans size 00 length 5
Pledge This Gift
Anthony T ID: AnthonyT
Anthony, 49 year old male was born in Dublin-Ireland. He moved to North Vancouver 7 years ago. He was a Class 1 driver; however, due to an unfortunate situation, he lost his license. Anthony has been struggling to receive housing.
workbooks size 10-10 1/2
Pledge This Gift -
LongJohns Size 30-32
Bruce N ID: BruceN
Bruce is a 67 year old male. He was originally from Tacoma, Washington. He previously worked in constructing (piping and welding). Bruce has a 13 year old cat named Scooter.
running shoes size 9.5-10
Pledge This Gift -
pants size: 30 length 32
Jezi S ID: JeziS
Jezi is originally from Kitchener, Ontario. He has been traveling back and forth from Vancouver and this is his 7th trip back to Vancouver. He previously worked in a printing house. His biggest challenge has been finding consistent housing.
sleeping bag
big back pack to carry all his belongings
Pledge This Gift
Bruce S ID: BruceS
Bruce is a 57 year old Richmond native. He has previously worked in the steal mill and roofing. Getting up in the morning is very challenging for Bruce.
casual jeans size: 32 length: 34 colour: brown
cowboy boots size: 10.5
Pledge This Gift
Benoit A ID: BenoitA
Benoit is a 55 year old Montreal native. He lived in Vancouver for the past 42 years. He came out to Vancouver for work. He previously worked in the roofing industry. Unfortunately, he struggles with health issues. He has a cast on his arm with pins inserted inside.
beard trimmer
pants/jeans. size 32 length 32
Laurie B ID: LaurieB
Laurie is a 51 year old Burnaby native. She has been living in Vancouver for the past two years. She was a former hairdresser; however, she is currently on disability. Laurie is a happy woman and enjoys being around friendly people.
eye make-up (shadow/liner)
Pants/jeans: size:10 length:32 color: slim fit and blue
Carlos S ID: CarlosS
Carlos is a 32 year old Manitoba native. He lived in Vancouver for 20 years. He has previously worked in the warehouse. Carlos is really excited about finding a new job.
Work shoes STEEL toe Size: 10.5
Coveralls large: Color: BLACK
Raymond L ID: RaymondL
Raymond is a 66 year Montreal native. He lived in Vancouver for 30 years. He has worked as a dishwasher. Raymond's biggest challenge has been finding work since his English is limited; however, Raymond has been working hard on improving his English.
work socks: Large (knee high/thick)
Underwear medium
Julius P ID: JuliusP
Julius is a 29 year old Vancouver native. He enjoys living in Vancouver; but, has been struggling with addiction. However, his current medications has been helping him.
socks (white, large)
Underwear (large, black)
James B ID: JamesB
James B is a 32 year old Nova Scotian native. He has been in Vancouver for almost 10 months. He moved to Vancouver for nicer weather. His biggest challenge has been finding housing. James has a pit bull and her name is Trigger.
Warm jacket (down feathers if possible). Colour: black, large
Dog bed (medium-large)
Tibob T ID: TibobT
Tibob is a 57 year old male from Sylvia. He moved to Vancouver 25 years ago to work. He was a plumber up until he got sick. Unfortunately, now that he is on disability, he has been struggling to find housing.
Warm footwear size 9 1/2
Socks Large
Luc M ID: LucM
Luc is a 50 year old male, originally from Quebec. He moved to BC a year ago and has been living in Vancouver for 8 months. He came to Vancouver for a brand new start as a painter. His biggest struggle has been finding housing and work. Luc is encouraged that he is slowly reaching his goals.
Warm boots: Size 10
Gloves (medium)
Mark S ID: MarkS
Mark is a 48 year old. He is originally from England. He moved to Vancouver 30 years ago. He previously worked as a dishwasher and had also worked in a nuclear power plant.
jacket (small, black)
jeans/pants size: 32, length 32
Marilyn C ID: MarilynC
Marilyn is a 54 year old female, originally from Kamloops. However, she has been living in Vancouver al her life. Marilyn previously worked as a dishwasher. Unfortunately, due to her diagnosis of Epilepsy, she was unable to keep her job.
underwear (medium)
Tim C ID: TimC
Tim is a 55 year old Manitoba native. He has been living in Vancouver for the past 3 years. He previously worked in the farming industry. His biggest challenge has been finding consistent housing.
toiletries (deodorant)